If your comfortable with only an API that you can call to get any data you're looking for, there is omdb
I’m looking for something with a nice web or app based interface.
To use this application, you will need to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual OMDB API key.
Go to www.omdbapi.com and sign up for an account.
Create a new user and get an API key.
Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the value returned in the email you received after signing up for an account.
Run the application using Python (e.g., python app.py).
Open your favorite web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 .
Here's how you can use this API:
Send a GET request to http://localhost:5000/search?q=Movie+Title+You+Want+To+Search+For to search for movies on the OMDB API.
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)
# Define the OMDB API URL
OMDB_API_URL = 'http://www.omdbapi.com'
# Set up a dictionary to store the movie data from the API
movie_data = {}
@app.route('/search', methods=['GET'])
def search_movies():
# Get the query parameter from the request
query = request.args.get('q')
if not query:
return jsonify({'error': 'Missing query parameter'}), 400
# Build the OMDB API URL with the query parameter
url = f'{OMDB_API_URL}?s={query}&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY'
# Send a GET request to the OMDB API
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the JSON response from the OMDB API
data = response.json()
# Extract the movie title and URL from the API response
for i in range(1, int(data['totalResults']) + 1):
movie_title = data['Search'][i - 1]['Title']
movie_url = data['Search'][i - 1]['Year'] + ' ' + data['Search'][i - 1]['Type']
# Store the movie title and URL in the dictionary
movie_data[movie_title] = {'url': movie_url}
return jsonify(movie_data)
return jsonify({'error': f'Failed to retrieve movie data. Status code: {response.status_code}'}), response.status_code
except requests.RequestException as e:
return jsonify({'error': f'Request error: {e}'}), 500
@app.route('/movie/<string:title>', methods=['GET'])
def get_movie_info(title):
# Get the title from the request path
title = title.lower()
if not title:
return jsonify({'error': 'Missing movie title parameter'}), 400
# Check if we have data for this movie in our dictionary
if title in movie_data:
movie_url = movie_data[title]['url']
# Send a GET request to the OMDB API with the URL of the movie
response = requests.get(movie_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the JSON response from the OMDB API
data = response.json()
# Extract the movie title, genre, release date, and runtime from the API response
movie_title = data['Title']
movie_genre = data['Genre'].replace(",", ", ")
movie_release_date = data['ReleaseDate']
movie_runtime = data['Runtime']
return jsonify({
'title': movie_title,
'genre': movie_genre,
'release_date': movie_release_date,
'runtime': movie_runtime
except KeyError:
return jsonify({'error': f'Missing movie information for {movie_title}'}), 404
return jsonify({'error': f'Failed to retrieve movie data. Status code: {response.status_code}'}), response.status_code
except requests.RequestException as e:
return jsonify({'error': f'Request error: {e}'}), 500
return jsonify({'error': f'Movie not found: {title}'}), 404
if __name__ == '__main__':
sorry but I’m heavily disabled and only able to use my phone. I can’t use a computer.
No worries, that stub of a flask app is enough for someone to pick up and run with.
If you do find interest in doing development from your phone there are avenues in which to do it.
Lastly you can run your code here. Compile your app and then download it from the cloud server
I have a friend who is legally blind and can only work with small screens that he can hold very close to his face, and he solely develops on a smartphone.
I used to be a data scientist but with my current limitations I’m unable to program at all. The brain damage is too severe I just don’t have the ability to do that anymore.
Ok, I'm leaving those resources up for anyone else who may find them useful.
On my Nvidia Shield TV 4k Pro Kodi setup I have Trakt.tv basically for tracking what I watch and voting with remote control.
I have it setup so my 🏴☠️ seedbox/streaming apps synchronize with it automatically.
I don't really vote on things unless I really really like or dislike them eh.
I use my Firefox web browser on my phone to edit stuff I watch or comment tho there's apps too.
Have fibromyalgia+cPTSD myself, so I understand the struggle.
I love my steam deck desk I have on my bean bag/TV too 🥹.
Not really actually using it on my phone or web, and just from the Kodi add-ons, there are no adds or limitations.
On Firefox my ublock blocks adds on the site, but they do have VIP offerings to support them.
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