Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
Can we kick up the 4d3d3d3?
Can I get a printout of Oyster smiling?
Could I get a nude Tayne?
Having the 10-key on the wrong side was bothering me. I fixed it:
It was the British style
This baby can render 3, count em, THREE simultaneous multi color point clouds!
slaps monitor
He kind of looks like a cross between Stephen Colbert and Kyle McLachlan lol
This is from the promo for a three hour long noir duo dance number where the villain, Colbert, is pursued by the investigator, Maclachlan
And Link Neal
Dude has basket.
‘What does your dad do?’
I swear Mitch Murder used this for an album cover.
A place for posting anything out of context. Please caption any posts PIC