You know what the one thing a wheelchair-bound person never needs?
A fucking chair.
You know what the one thing a wheelchair-bound person never needs?
A fucking chair.
No, you see, it’s not a full chair, just the backrest. Just in case their wheelchair backrest needs to rest.
Oh, and here i was thinking they found a way to cut costs on wheelchairs by removing the backs -- necessitating these backless-wheelchair-accessible-wheelchair-backs for those that need to give their backs a break.
Backless and low back wheelchairs are definitely a thing, though fortunately not for cost savings, but for better mobility for the user.
If you have really good T-spine mobility and control, it can sometimes be beneficial to get rid of the back of your chair, giving you more range to twist, turn, and lean from the hips.
With enough upper body strength, If you go for a lightweight no back chair with tip wheels, strap in, and get some durable gloves, you can even do full cartwheels in a wheelchair.
Obviously whether a backless chair is appropriate is very individual and a physiotherapist and occupational therapist will need to help assess.
You know what wheelchair users also sometimes like to do in the middle of a long day?
Fucking lie down.
Lol as if people couldn't just park their wheelchair beside the bench
That is what title says yep
I actually have title blindness. It's a super rare condition
Do you need a special bench for that?
I didn't know there was a diagnosis for this I should get myself checked
What exactly does that back part do for someone sitting on a chair?
It holds the little sign up
It might prevent some asshole from walking up behind them and just start wheeling them somewhere.
That's also what brakes are for. But in case a human going with the person in a wheelchair wants/ has to push the wheelchair this also makes it so much more difficult to get in/out of.
*brakes, breaks are what birds have for mouths
I thought breaks were the glass bottles that scientists put stuff in?
You're thinking of beakers. Breaks is what Johnny does when he wakes up in the morning and smokes marijuana.
No breaks are that family down the block where the kids have really cool names: Brayden, Brayliegh, Brayless
A wheelchair's backrest does not have zero depth, so with this design the rollchair user has to sit slightly in front of the people on the left and right. Utter shit.
What would the symbol for "no homeless" look like? A house crossed out twice?
What would the symbol for “no homeless” look like?
You know, in theory
That's the first time I've ever double-taked a sentence before. Nice.
🏠 inside 🚫 inside another 🚫 ?
You could probably just get away with the “no” over the home. “You have no home”, “this is not your home” simultaneously.
I've seen no camping signs with a tent crossed out and of course no loitering signs are a classic excuse to harass homeless people
I have never seen anything like that before. Looks ridiculous.
Yeah, it's possible/probable that it was a dick move by some planning committee. But if I were wheelchair bound, I could imagine that being a) acknowledged and b) in the middle
instead of always off to the side
could be nice.
How many wheelchair users have backless chairs? Like, this isn't even a good design if it WAS actually intended for them. With that back part any wheelchair user would end up sitting slightly forward from the people sitting on the actual bench seat, possibly a good 6+ inches forward if it bumps into the handles on the back.
This feels like a disguised way to not let people sleep on the bench.
Yes, that's what the text says.
Wow, I completely erased that part of the image from my mind.
Interesting strategy if that was the point of it, considering the wholly intact bench in the background of the photo.
Hostile architecture
this is what we call, excessively stupid design.
It could be both disability accessible, and just, a fucking bench, because benches have always been accessibility enabled, because they're fucking benches.
“2 guys sitting on a bench 2 feet apart cause they’re not gay “
Just freaking make single chairs. Stop making weird benches. If you want a bench, make a bench. Someone might lay on it. If you don't want a bench, Christ on a cracker, don't make a weird bench! Just make chairs!
I can already imagine someone raving about this fantastic design on LinkedIn
Yeah.. I'm surprised by how commonly people repost this everywhere.
If you want to include them, they can also sit across from the bench.... Or next to it
The bench in the background isn't like that. You would think it they were trying to prevent someone from sleeping there, it would be that way too.
This feels more like a "won't somebody think of the ~~children~~ different-abled?" at a council meeting
Sometimes the dumbest things are done by thoughtful people "Just trying to help"
They don't need a backrest 🤦♂️
So, I like the idea of trying to make wheel chair users be included, I do, but this doesn't actually do anything for them. If it had a little table or something similar then at least they could argue that it might help them despite being obvious hostile design. But no. It's just ✨accessible✨.
And the backing will keep wheelchairs with handles from backing in fully.
It's purely anti-homeless masquerading as social awareness. Disgusting and the product of a sick mind.
They could just put chairs instead lol.
Anything that makes you apply your hand to your face.