Here's a few of the micro-hacks that I've hacked up in the past.
A 2-line script to chroot into Debian when logging in as a certain user on FreeBSD.
doas chroot /linux /bin/login
I didn't have an IDE, so I just made a script called
which runs Vim, and then compiles the code and makes it executable.
#Works only for C
vim $1.c && cc -O3 -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-result $1.c -o $1
#MODE=`stat -f "%OLp" $1`
if ("stat -f "%OLp" $1 | grep -e 6 -e 4 -e 2") then
chmod +x $1
This thing, called
, which does what it says in the comments
#dos2unix -O -e -s $1 | sed 's/ / /g' | sed 's/“/"/g' | sed 's/”/"/g'
cat $1 | sed 's/ / /g' | sed 's/“/"/g' | sed 's/”/"/g'
#Convert DOS line endings to Unix ones and add a final newline if there isn't one,
#replace sequence of 4 spaces with tab,
#and replace "smart" quotes with normal ones
I just keep those ones for historical value, but there's one hack I use every day. My keyboard doesn't have a function key (Fn), so I use the Super/Windows key instead.
I have xdotool keyup Super_L keyup Super_R keyup F4 key XF86Sleep
bound to a custom keyboard shortcut. It unpresses the keys used for the shortcut (Super + F4), then presses the sleep key.