People still ride bikes with these pedals lol
Yeah, were one of the better pedals too. Or "worse", modern platform pedals (typically for mountainbikes but I'd slap them on road bikes too), which have little pins or screw threads poking out. Extremely good grip, but oh boy if you dare to still lose that grip and rub your shin over them... Even rips your pants open too.
Yeah bear claw pedals are still out there and used quite a bit. I remember biking up a hill and my chain slipped and my foot slipped off the pedal scrapping my shin while failing right on my top tube. It was a double whammy.
I had these. They suck.
Once I was racing my friend to prove which way was faster from his house to mine. I was pedaling downhill as fast as I could, but I barely pushed the fixed gear. My foot slid off the pedal, which took a lap and tore up my thigh. I then fell back with my ass landing on the rear tire, and my foot came down on the pedal, partially severing my Achilles tendon. The surgeon said I was lucky that it didn’t fully sever, because it snaps like a rubber band and recoils up into the calf.
It was a rough summer.
But who won? You, or your friend?
He did. He made it to my house and rode back on my route to find my bloodied mess hobbling with my bike. Lol
I remember, sooo painful.
nostalgia noun nos·tal·gia nä-ˈstal-jə nə-, also nȯ-, nō-; nə-ˈstäl- 1: a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition also : something that evokes nostalgia
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