The appropriate view of your money is that you should never have to pay for the priveledge to use it. Do not ever use a bank, credit card, or any financial account that you need to pay for. They are making money off of you, which I'm OK with, but I'm sure as hell not going to pay them so they can make money with my money.
This is your reminder to bank with a credit union if possible in your area. Non-profit is the way to go.
And, as an added tip, lots of credit unions let you open a line of credit that automatically draws if you accidentally overdraft, thereby avoiding fees.
So a bank take your money, use that money to bet on stocks and loans, and in return charge you for using their service.
Late stage capitalism at its finest.
Oh look, greed trying to push the limits again.
Are they trying to make a run on their bank?
this post was submitted on 06 Jul 2024
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