What do people think about the world's government using this to take eyes off the clear, but slow, revolution of humanity in 1st world countries?
I'm not an et denier. But I think I have greater feeling or intuition that something else is happening because of how the world's been since 2020. Like I believe the et stuff, but I believe the media and pop politics are making this out to be more than what it is. It's a nuetral political issue, but not something wild, not something that's going to make a dent in life as we know it. I feel like the situation is being amplified to try to bring people together for governments sake world wide. I think 1st world governments know they are slowly collapsing. And instead of creating a human collective they are trying to maintain power by having control of this situation/event before they lose control alltogether (eventually). Left and right division didn't work for their fake pop politics so, so they pulled this card because they know they blew their cover in terms of government being a genuine honest transparent entity run democratically.
Ps I'm not a conservative/maga person. I'm more just me and dgaf about identity politics.
hands off tinfoil hat to the next participant.
Edit... Apparently - separators create a bold headline.