Dammit you just cost me $40.
Slightly sorry, mostly not sorry. (Oh, how I wish indie, on demand games weren’t so expensive…)
I just got these the other day. Haven't played them yet but hoping to check out Gate later today. I really enjoyed the other Jason Glover games I played so far.
The playmat looks neat, I am thinking about getting it but I forgot that the expansion buildings don't have a spot.
How about putting the Gate and the Fearamid under the building row in the middle?
Also, for anyone interested the game and expansion are part of the current TGC Summer Sale so it's a great time to grab it.
Not sure if you saw it, but there is a Gates mat actually! It’s annoyingly several dollars more, but for completeness, it’s there. And thanks for the heads up on the sale! Any suggestions for other good games?
Oh nice, thanks! Here it is for anyone else interested. Unfortunately it's not part of the current sale so will have to think about how badly I want it.
I have never heard of this game, but the word "Fearamid" is doing a good job of convincing me
While it is indeed a highly intriguing name, it is but a small part of the larger game. Sadly you do not get to explore the Fearamid, haha.
Everything boardgames
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