HA! Never do what you're told. I like the COP modules for their integral driver. Saves a lot of design and power issue transporting spark coil power around....
So I yanked the rubber boot off the end of the toyota COP module... aaaaand it turns out that it's shape is nearly identical to a distributor cap tower socket. Aaaaaand a regular spark plug wire fits it. Instant coil near plug...
Now I know these things are designed with very thin margins... and I'm not sure if the module will tolerate the added cable (inductance and resistance). So at the least I'll set one up on the bench with a "long" plug wire and run it for a few thousand cycles and see if it bursts into flames or something. (likely death will be a hole punched in a silicon barrier and... silent death).
20 bucks each and driver built in and available at autozone on the road....