my friend iffy likes to wobble
I think squirming is comfy
tail wag is cute
my friend iffy likes to wobble
I think squirming is comfy
tail wag is cute
Oh I wiggle all the time. Mostly when I'm sitting and thinking happy thoughts. It can be shoulder wiggles, torso wiggles, or booty wiggles. My partner thinks it's cute, which is positive feedback to continue :)
My friend at work, who says she/they might be enby, also wiggles sometimes when sitting. More of a head and shoulders wiggle. It's adorable <3 I miss having the same lunch break as her, it was fun to put her in a good mood and watch her wiggle.
D'awwwhhh! ^.^ wiggles happily at cute+sweetness
I too like to wiggle! I wiggle more slowly
I am enby but not a wiggler. A partner, a former partner, and a play partner of mine however — big-time wiggly enbies.
Wiggling is a nice stim
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