If you don't recognize and call out dogwhistles then it makes it easier for chuds to hide in plain sight. It should not be easy for them. They should not be able to hide. They should be called out, named, shamed, and overall be met with the persecution they wish on marginalized groups that they target.
If you believe in such things, it's a moral imperative to make their lives more difficult, and knowing their dogwhistles is an important part of that.
I think I'm missing something with "41" is it some kind of dog whistle?
Of course it's something horrific like that. Fuck those people. 41 goes on my dog whistle list.
I feel my life is happier not knowing or caring about their dog whistles. Is that harmful to others?
Erm, yea, I'd say so.
If you don't recognize and call out dogwhistles then it makes it easier for chuds to hide in plain sight. It should not be easy for them. They should not be able to hide. They should be called out, named, shamed, and overall be met with the persecution they wish on marginalized groups that they target.
If you believe in such things, it's a moral imperative to make their lives more difficult, and knowing their dogwhistles is an important part of that.
Would you share that list?
I don't want to live on the same planet with anyone who would quote that statistic for any reason other than an emphatic demand for action to lower it
I don't understand how anyone can think hate is ever the right thing to do.