Sega’s Crazy Taxi reboot is a ‘massively multiplayer driving game’
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Do kids today even know what a taxi is? Or do they see a yellow cab the same way they see the save icon? "Why is it a square thingy? Those used to exist in real life???"
I used to say I was never going to get old......and then I got old. Now my knees hurt.
Taxis were not wiped out in a great apocalypse. This is the dumbest thing I've read all day.
Outside of big cities taxis did have a big apocalypse though. I'm not saying I support their decline I'm only saying I've witnessed it.
Outside big cities you were lucky to find a taxi anyway. But onto most any city in Europe, Asia, hell, pretty much anywhere in a non-US centric view, and they’re quite plentiful
You mean, outside of cities where taxis were always operating, they're still operating?
taxis are still sround yk...
Only way to do that isn't pleasant. Gotta die young.
That was always the plan. When I was 7, I planned on dying by 15. I'm 40 now, so things went a bit offcoarse.
Depending on how you age, that is kinda the goal ngl. I've seen my grandpa, I'd much rather die as myself before i lose any spark of life.