The dark Amit is back to play

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[-] Uterusofsteel@lemmy.ca 15 points 3 months ago

She looks so thin and hourglass here. I was having a low self esteem day and this sent me down a spiral. I know I shouldn't let it but it's hard not to. I hate to admit I'm on ozempic (AND IT ISN'T WORKING THE WAY I WANT IT TO 😫) but I also eat very mindfully and I work out 3x-4x a week. I have a physically demanding job where I lift and I'm on my feet all day. I've not seen a change in my body in 6 months. I'm also 38 and have a mom pooch. I'm not horribly overweight. Size 8 at 5'1 but my body isn't what it used to be.

I am recovering from disordered eating, and while I know it's editing, it's still so hard and damaging to see. Especially from someone who has built a platform on body positivity. All she does is make me see the "flaws" in me that I didn't even know were a thing. Dark armpit. Belly button. Side Belly when laying down.

[-] Rarepotato@lemmy.ca 10 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

She has talked about how she doesn’t have a waist. She never has. Editing to add now that I have time: please dont let her BS get in your head. She’s full of it and knows damn well she has no waist. Watch this clip https://i.imgur.com/zKd8ANr.mp4

[-] Uterusofsteel@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 months ago

I do remember that! It's part of why it's so annoying lol shape shifter at her convenience

[-] MoonChild@lemmy.ca 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I’m so sorry she’s made you feel this way. Please don’t be ashamed you’re on ozempic and it sounds like you’re doing all the right things with diet and exercise. I bet there is a difference but you just can’t see it yourself yet. A history of disordered eating can make us see our bodies differently than they actually look. Sarah does highlight so many things I’ve never thought about either and it makes me angry because I know it changes the way some people see themselves. She isn’t helping anyone.

[-] Uterusofsteel@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 months ago

Thank you for the words! That's a part of why I love this community so much. I'm in therapy for body issues and I've come a long way. I know in the long term, I will be ok. I'm healthy and in decent shape. I'm strong AF too lol I'm learning to be at peace with my body and live in true neutrality. That's my goal, to just love what my body can do and how far it's going to take me. That's why she's so harmful. She sets back women like me everyday.

[-] bellaportuguesexo@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 months ago

Don’t ever let her make you feel that way 💜 I use to let it bother me ALOT. I just think social media is sooooo toxic for women. I recently was at Costco shopping with my hubby and I saw a girl I knew from high school. Mind you I hadn’t seen her in years!! I was SHOCKED!!!! the pictures she posts online vs IRL. She was double the size if not more than what she put online. After that day I told myself I would not let social media make me feel upset about my own body and wishing I looked more like “them”. Learn to love yourself regardless of your mom pooch or not. You brought beautiful babies into this world and I’m sure you are an amazing mother

[-] Uterusofsteel@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 months ago

Thank you so much! I'm really working on it. I'm lucky to have my kids and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I don't even think I ever cared about my mom pooch until I started seeing it be a thing online. I just assumed it was what happened. I wasn't ashamed until I was told to be. The body "positivity" movement can be so damaging if not handled with care. That's my biggest gripe.

[-] bellaportuguesexo@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 months ago

You know what else you may have the mom pouch but can Sarah say she is a good person? Does she really have a kind heart? No. I’m sure you could answer yes and that’s far more honourable than anything Sarah could ever say/do. But it definitely is hard being a woman. I myself don’t have children and I’m a thicker gal and some days it eats me alive. Hang in there 💜

[-] Uterusofsteel@lemmy.ca 1 points 3 months ago

Thank you thank you. 😊 I have a full and fulfilling life with my kids. Traveling and living in a big city with my teens and husband. It's a lot of unpacking past trauma but I'm working on it. I love and hate being a woman. I'm sure I'm not the only one lol

[-] facialSwelling@lemmy.ca 6 points 3 months ago

You probably didn't care. I didn't care about my Mom pooch until Sarah made me care. The way she snaps hers on and off is the worst kind of mind fuck. She's horrible. Sarah craves a body and edits her body that isn't something many of us who are Mom's can't achieve unless we have surgery. Only one of my friends post birth kept a leaner waist (visible abs). This friend competes in fitness shows. I felt for Janette when she posted about her body honestly, saying she'd rather have kids than abs. Sarah would probably swap her kids for a 20 year old model body. Sarah's pathetic.

[-] facialSwelling@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 months ago

I'm on ozempic. Because you are working out the scale won't change as fast. That's a good thing. Around month 7-8 I started to see the hard work pay off. Hang in there.

[-] Uterusofsteel@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 months ago

Thank you! I hope so. Good luck on your journey as well!

[-] Vilian@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 months ago

my ex-girlfriend had something similar, it completely stopped when she started jujitsu, she switched to wanting muscles to being skinny/having a hourglass body lol, and was infinitely happier, she was also happy with her achievements in jujitsu rather than her body, and i guess that's a lot healthier, i don't know if that can be helpful for you, i'm a man, having body issues isn't something that i can relate, but i firmly belive that sports/martial arts, something for you to achieve/have a healthy competitiveness against skill rather than genetics can help a ton in that

[-] douevengohere@lemmy.ca 1 points 3 months ago

I relate to all of this! I am also on GLP-1s and am a very slow responder. It’s been really difficult to see her drop sizes overnight while I’m frustrated with my own attempts to lose weight. Rationally, I know it’s not real, but the brain doesn’t always register that right away.

[-] Uterusofsteel@lemmy.ca 1 points 3 months ago

Yeah, I always see people losing 15-20 lbs in about 2 months, and I've lost about 5 in 4 months 🙃. I agree that rationally I know better, but it's such a weird thing the brain does to not let you see it.

this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
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Hello new Lemmy friends!

Word on the street tells us our community is regularly making it the all page. While this is very cool news to hear, we can see how the sudden emergence of our posts in your feed might feel jarring and probably raises some questions. And also how, without knowing the backstory, our community might appear less than virtuous, so here’s a very brief introduction which hopefully will clear a few things up.

The woman we’re discussing is a body positive influencer and media personality who has gained fame and wealth by lying, manipulating, exploiting her children for content, plagiarizing BIPOC creators and blaming her BIPOC content editor for it (thereby ruining her career), among other things. Her fraudulent behavior is no different (I’d argue worse) from the likes of Jay Shetty (google him if you don’t know who he is or what he did). She’s the latest in a long line of grifting influencers who are abusing their power, taking advantage of their position and exploiting their followers. The difference is that she’s Canadian. Our laws around social media and advertising aren’t as clear (and where they are she’s disobeyed them), add to that, our mainstream media has protected her from those who’ve tried to expose her grift and silenced/intimidated anyone who’s tried to speak out.

Our Reddit sub was taken down due to reports of copyright infringement, which is unfounded and categorically untrue as no one ever tried to steal her work and pass it off as their own. The mods have made an appeal. While at first glance it may seem like we’re just “shitting on her” the sub has been more devoted to investigation and posting proof of her lies than just bitching for the sake of bitching. The reality is that she’s hurt, manipulated and let down a lot of people. She stole intellectual property and employment, caused mental distress and has repeatedly told lies to boost engagement and profit off her audience, so people are understandably upset that their voices are being silenced.

We’re grateful to have been welcomed so kindly by so many of you, and to those sticking around to watch the drama unfold, we’re glad to have you!

**all posts are alleged.


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