Why Everyone Should Line the Top of Their Fridge with Wax Paper
What is a Life Pro Tip?
A Life Pro Tip (or an LPT) is a specific action with definitive results that improves life for you and those around you in a specific and significant way.
Keep in mind that an aphorism is not a LPT.
An aphorism is a a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.
Examples of aphorisms:
"A barking dog never bites."
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."
"All stones are broken stones."
Because it just wastes wax paper, which, being waxy, attracts dirt and dust. A nice little breeding ground.
How hard is it to wipe the top of a fridge with a wet cloth and a couple shots of degreasing spray? I buy degreaser (Super Clean) by the gallon ($10), make my own diluted spray. That gallon lasts years, and works better than the expensive stuff.
Using wax or parchment for a tray that catches grease under something makes sense - then you just ball up the paper and pitch it, rather than waste gallons of hot water trying to clean the tray.
These kinds of people should work in a restaurant for a while, see what's involved in properly cleaning/maintaining a kitchen.