I'm really enjoying it. It's just a touch too much for me to follow at my typical 2x speed audiobook rate, so I'm reading it as an ebook instead and I have a lot less time I can read that way. It's going to take me a fucking while to get through. But of the characters we've seen depth with so far, I really can identify with a lot of them. Maybe not Sadeas (I can "see", but also not), but Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Jasnah, Shallan, I can see where they're all coming from and why they see the choices they do.
Also I really want to play a video game as whatever Szeth is called. It would be tough to execute but it could be really fun.
I'm really enjoying it. It's just a touch too much for me to follow at my typical 2x speed audiobook rate, so I'm reading it as an ebook instead and I have a lot less time I can read that way. It's going to take me a fucking while to get through. But of the characters we've seen depth with so far, I really can identify with a lot of them. Maybe not Sadeas (I can "see", but also not), but Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Jasnah, Shallan, I can see where they're all coming from and why they see the choices they do.
Also I really want to play a video game as whatever Szeth is called. It would be tough to execute but it could be really fun.