But what about the office landlords, are no one think about how they are going to feed their yatchs?
After the Covid lockdown, Italian politicians, pundits, and talking heads used sandwich sales as a reason for a return to office.
Another solution is mass transit. That right of way could support light rail and still have several car lanes in each direction
The light rail also gives work from home people a way to get to shops, shows, and sports without driving
Light rail also can be built to not get stuck in traffic, which makes it faster than driving too
But what about the office landlords, are no one think about how they are going to feed their yatchs?
After the Covid lockdown, Italian politicians, pundits, and talking heads used sandwich sales as a reason for a return to office.
Another solution is mass transit. That right of way could support light rail and still have several car lanes in each direction
The light rail also gives work from home people a way to get to shops, shows, and sports without driving
Light rail also can be built to not get stuck in traffic, which makes it faster than driving too