How to save on Spyro?
It's nostalgia overload as we discuss the most influential gaming system ever released! The original PlayStation, later called PSOne
yes it has a memory card, it asked me in the beginning to create a save and also it remembered the language (pal) but it's all "new game"
Hm, perhaps double check if there's any settings you may have to adjust. Then as the other user mentioned try testing the save-at-dragon-statue. Also maybe try playing /saving a different game just to test if the memory card is working properly too
I tried to manually save at the dragon pads and it worked
It was the era of manual saves, auto saves like we're used today would have shortened the life of the small flash in the memory card
I'm pretty sure it did autosave in world transition like the other poster mentioned but definitely not the regular autosave intervals that are more common today. I could be wrong about that but I'm not sure why the transition save isn't working for you. Regardless, glad you could get some save functionality working.
Maybe it's just because it was the initial worlds which are an extended tutorial and are super short to go in and out
Or maybe it's a problem of my card lol