Your point of view is incorrect. They have their own world view, and from that world view they see Biden as a supporter of genocide, and he has embraced his support of the genocidal regime.
Ok, and electing Trump who has said he 100% approves of the genocide also, and would like to also kill protesters domestically is better? He also wants to remove our constitution, democracy, and round up the kind of people having these very discussions. And I agree Biden absolutely should move faster to do something about what is happening, but being upset about it and then pissing away any chance it could get better, among all the things that will surely get worse does not compute for me.
Yes it is sad to see Trump backtracking on genocide against Israel before Biden does but I would still not vote for Trump regardless of anything that happens now or in the future, ever.
Biden on the other hand has the potential to win the vote of the youth but he is literally pooping in their faces.
Your point of view is incorrect. They have their own world view, and from that world view they see Biden as a supporter of genocide, and he has embraced his support of the genocidal regime.
Ok, and electing Trump who has said he 100% approves of the genocide also, and would like to also kill protesters domestically is better? He also wants to remove our constitution, democracy, and round up the kind of people having these very discussions. And I agree Biden absolutely should move faster to do something about what is happening, but being upset about it and then pissing away any chance it could get better, among all the things that will surely get worse does not compute for me.
“You have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up. You’ve got to get it done,” [Trump] said in an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom. “We’ve got to get to peace. You can’t have this going on, and I will say Israel has to be very careful because you are losing a lot of the world. You are losing a lot of support.” He knows this war is unpopular and has better political instincts. See also: his new stance on TikTok.
Biden is actually the stronger supporter of genocide. He will support Israel even if they ethnically cleanse Gaza entirely.
And I would rather kill myself than vote for genocide. Bushnell cast the only legitimate vote in this election as far as I'm concerned.
Yes it is sad to see Trump backtracking on genocide against Israel before Biden does but I would still not vote for Trump regardless of anything that happens now or in the future, ever.
Biden on the other hand has the potential to win the vote of the youth but he is literally pooping in their faces.
I'm casting a protest vote. I will not vote for Génocidaire A nor Génocidaire B.