xkcd #2922: Pub Trivia
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If your fact checker is caught stealing by Buzzfeed: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/13/business/media/snopes-plagiarism-David-Mikkelson.html
And considered unreliable by among others Harvard: https://misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/fact-checking-fact-checkers-a-data-driven-approach/
You might want to double check. I didn't. I just want to caution people about blindly trusting Snopes. So they might very well be right on this topic.
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Are you a dozen or so thoughts down? Yes? Do you deserve love for the perfect share? Very yes!
Brilliant, thanks.
I mean... Snopes warns against blindly trusting Snopes. (After reading, make sure to click on "Additional Information" at the bottom.