Which systems or games you always fawned over when you were younger?
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I had a Commodore 64 and really really wanted an Amiga. Saw all the games for the Amiga and Atari ST in magazines and wept. It wasn't really available in my country so I didn't know anyone with one but even if it was available we wouldn't have been able to afford it.
I was in the UK last month and went to the computer history museum in Cambridge. They have working versions of every single computer and console ever and you can play with them.
It was great nostalgia to use a ZX Spectrum, my trusty VIC-20 and C64 again. But there it was... An Amiga 500. I played a bit and the graphics and sounds still blew me away now in 2023 as a late 40s middle aged man. It was everything I dreamed it would be.
100% recommend.
I had an Amiga 500. It was great and I felt very fortunate to have one when I was a teenager. At some point, you could either buy the Amiga 500 mini or get a refurbished one. There is a nice community of Amiga enthusiasts who buy and sell hardware and also share software online, along with sharing emulators. This year for my birthday I might buy myself an Amiga 500 mini. I miss my old one, which is long dead and never coming back.