who would win meme format
[left side: apple] expensive monetarily but petty in actions
[right side: openai] open in name but closed in reality
How is it that the companies we rely on in our daily lives just all happen to be the greediest and worst possible decision makers
How do you think they got there in the first place?
Think of it like corporate Darwinism. The purpose of a corporation is to make money. In broad strokes, this means many decent organizations are acquired or put out of business, with the greedy money-first companies getting huge.
How is it that the companies we rely on in our daily lives just all happen to be the greediest and worst possible decision makers
How do you think they got there in the first place?
Think of it like corporate Darwinism. The purpose of a corporation is to make money. In broad strokes, this means many decent organizations are acquired or put out of business, with the greedy money-first companies getting huge.