Buying components doesn't really save you much money over just buying it from Framework - I've tried to come up with different configurations on their product select page and it seems to always come out to approximately the same cost as buying components separately. I think the main appeal of opting out of a component on the product select page is primarily so that you can reuse a component if you already have it
If you mean that you want to buy a DIY system vs. a pre-built Framework, then yes, it'll save you a couple hundred dollars
Buying components doesn't really save you much money over just buying it from Framework - I've tried to come up with different configurations on their product select page and it seems to always come out to approximately the same cost as buying components separately. I think the main appeal of opting out of a component on the product select page is primarily so that you can reuse a component if you already have it
If you mean that you want to buy a DIY system vs. a pre-built Framework, then yes, it'll save you a couple hundred dollars