Ohh shit....
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Iirc coffee addiction worsens sleep quality and costs money. It's not like blocking your body from being tired can really be beneficial.
Alternatively you have undiagnosed adhd and it helps you function like a real human :D
One of the reasons I was able to argue my ADHD was impacting my life negatively was the fact I was drinking enough coffee to hurt my health just to feel human and I still had executive dysfunction, so stimulants would be more effective and overall work as harm reduction. Now I'm not even on stimulants (technically), I'm finding bupropion works best for me. I still have a small cup of coffee in the morning, as it keeps me regular.
I think, if left to my own devices, I will have about 2-6 cups of instant coffee in a day depending on my mood. Though I don't think there's much caffeine in it? I never thought about howwww much caffeine was going in, but maybe that's because it doesn't do much for me besides helping focus (poorly at that).
Depends on how addicted. People tend to conflate 1 cup in the morning with 6 throughout the day because they both use them as a pick me up.
Coffee also is high in polyphenols - the benefits almost certainly outweigh the drawbacks. Just don't drink coffee after the morning.
There are plenty of other sources for polyphenols - including tea, but also chocolate, qinoa, buckwheat etc.
There is no need to drink coffee in order to replenish polyphenols in your body.
And drawbacks are huge: aside from broken sleep, caffeine puts a giant strain on cardiovascular and other systems, and in people with caffeine addiction, not having their cup leads to high irritability, sleepiness, dizziness, and a lot of other symptoms.
There are plenty of studies displaying improved cardiovascular health in those who drink 1-4 cups of coffee a day.. Generally, cardiovascular risks of caffeine from coffee are not important for the average person's health decisions.
In addition, there is a good argument for caffeine prior to exercise - it improves performance and therefore results and therefore health outcomes.
Also tea has caffeine as well (technically dark chocolate too, but less than tea so not really a concern).
And again, the solution to sleep issues are to not have caffeine (tea, coffee, or otherwise) more than a few hours after you wake up.
Withdrawal symptoms are not a major concern - they are temporary at best.
Edit: there are plenty of sources of polyphenols - but frankly the average American does not get nearly enough generally. If you have a typical American diet, I would not recommend quitting coffee as a health measure unless you have already drastically increased consumption of polyphenols generally.
Alright, thanks for fair criticism! Will delve deeper.
If you're into podcasts, this might fit the bill
4 cups of coffee a day is fine