No I’m not catastrophising.
The world is slowly lurching towards a fully fascist led America, India, Hungary, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Argentina.
Instead people are either ignorant or blaming “wokeism”* for their problems.
I have no clue what to do and this is literally a car crash in slow motion.
I’m despondent because I’m going to be crushed under the boot when the time comes and my morals get in the way of my survival instinct.
Humans are repeating the mistakes of the past. It’s just so anxiety inducing.
*Woke is a useless term promulgated by fascists to dog whistle the things they really want to hate - feminism, socialism, LGBTQIA+, immigration, brown/black people, equality and diversity.
Yeah trump and his cult are actually fascists. Don't know about the rest of the party but trump is, and so are several other major right-wing figures who are gaining too much ground worldwide. Look up Mussolini. Also learn the definition of fascism (it's not just authoritarianism you don't like)
Well done, you have defined autocratic authoritarianism. Now define fascism. hint: it goes much further than that and is very definitely economically right wing and socially regressive
You're right, fascism is more than just a right wing ideology. But it IS a right wing ideology, the left literally cannot be fascists. They can be fucking awful (and indeed are) but they are still better than the ACTUAL fascists that trump and his cult are
Not fascism, but fascism requires the corporation stance that is symptomatic of the right
I'm guessing you're a white cis het male with some savings, then
The white person started with a hell of a lot less institutional and social crap in their way to success. If you want to know more please look up the definition of the word "privilege", and check yours while you're at it.
Oh, and I'm not looking to play any sort of victim card, I just hate fascists
The short answer is systemic racism. The long answer you're gonna have to look up on your own, but that should give you a good starting point. I'm not being paid to teach you and I don't care enough about you to do so for free.
Of course you actually know exactly what I'm talking about already and are actually just cat fishing, aren't you? Having looked at your profile, you're not actually very good at trolling are you?
Have you looked? No? Didn't think so. I should not have to do this for you. Wait, I don't need to do this for you. Do a couple of basic searches and get back to me. Or better yet don't get back to me, just learn
How so?
They totally feel it to be true, and they've been told their feelings are more valuable and true than actual facts.
I mean, you may have a point but you're being vague either intentionally or not I'm not sure.
Do you mean: vaccine mandates? mask mandates?
What exactly was fascistic about COVID?
There were no mask mandates federally I don't think. Most of those were instituted state-wide?
Vaccine mandates date back to 1800s in the US. However, I'm once again I'm left to my imagination.
I think I'd need some examples? Also, are those things fascist? Or are they government policies you disagree with?
Hang on, so the president instituted a vaccine mandate but the supreme court shot it down. How's that fascist? I did mention that vaccine mandates aren't actually new.
If things are done at the state level isn't that dependent upon the state? How's that a blue thing? Were only blue states affected? Would you mind linking to any articles about this?
I mean I think removing Roe V Wade was far more damaging than any of that stuff. I thought seizing the supreme court was messed up.