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I am totally guilty of infodumping. When it's about a topic that sparks joy (in me), I call it geeking out as in I geeked out about about my Star Trek card game at the party and no one seemed to understand or mind too much.
What star trek card game?
This Star Trek card game. It's called Fleet And Federation and imagines what would happen if a setting like the original series was a well-edited reality show (which allowed me to mix in navy events and Hollywood development events into the mix). It's a co-op game that tries to operate as a fast(er) action TTRPG, the end result of occasionally getting face time with my old gaming crew but not having time enough with them for a proper TTRPG campaign (or even a run)
I worked on it a long while before giving up for lack of local playtesters and venues. In retrospect (having since learned more design theory online), F&F would suffer a bit from quarterbacking, but otherwise was fairly viable a working game.
That said, I was quite proud of countless diegetic elements of the game and would sometime have to explain it to someone, but first explain what the hell F&F was so that they'd know what I was talking about, and by then their eyes were thoroughly glazed over.