Happened to me multiple times
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
"PIN number"
"FOSS software"
Who'd win in a fight?
ATM Machine
Chai tea
RIP in peace
That got me curious. The drink that English speakers often refer to simply as "chai" is the Indian drink masala chai, meaning mixed-spice tea. Chai comes to Hindi through the Cantonese "cha" for tea.
Koi carp
...to mouth machine?
Personal PIN number.
Why not your personal identification PIN number? Gotta be specific. Your personal PIN number is just the one you like, but it identifies nothing. Same with the identification PIN number. It identifies something but not sure what. And a personal identification PIN, well, it identifies someone, and uses a number somewhere.
Oh man, I want to use a longer pin for my card so badly.
From what I understand, the banks mostly support it, the problem is that not all point of sale does. Those terminals are frequently cobbled together with some pretty garbage software and if it's hard-coded to four digits, whelp, good luck. I hope tap is working.... Or NFC or something because otherwise, you're SOL.
Try it out. You may find out that your bank supports much longer pins, but only uses the first four digits anyway.
Truncation is not a good look.
For being an institution that is supposed to be trusted to hold all your money, their security has me scratching my head most of the time.
Y u no COBOL?
The Personal identification number number
DNS system?