Unsure how to proceed with exploring my gender identity.
An inclusive place for members of all stripes that don't fit into our culture's binary categories of gender.
I was lucky enough to have an environment (flatmates, close friends) where I felt comfortable just trying around with presentation, names, pronouns, where I also felt safe about them not gossiping about me or anything like that.
And, when trying something new, it's normal to not have it quite figured out and there's going to be things that you're not sure about and that don't stick, but in my experience, there were also some things that I noticed felt great and right and good.
You can start with small things, like nail polish in nb colors or stuff like that :)
Just one last note: I totally get looking up to other nb folk that seem to have it all figured out, but: a) they probably haven't! and b) it's important to think about what you want and feel comfortable with. Making baby steps is fine, figuring out some things you like on other people feel awkward on you is fine!
wishing you all the best in trying stuff out <3