What are your list of essential iOS apps?
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the fact that super agent required a subscription now really ruined it...
I switched to Consent-O-Matic, it works even better for many sites (there is even an option to minimize the popup so you can start using the site while it's doing it's thing).
It sadly stuggles with google, which I use a lot.
If Safari extensions worked in 3rd party iOS browsers that would be great. I’m using Vivaldi (in beta) and like it a lot.
I’m still using the Super Agent extension, but the constant nagging to subscribe is really starting to annoy me!
Thanks, just installed Vinegar, Baking Soda, Banish, and Hush at your recommendation and I am loving the difference!
you pay so much just to block a bunch of ads. You could achieve the same for free with a Raspberry Pi in your home and PiHole.
In the end it doesn’t matter, the result is the same
Apologies, indeed, I didn’t go through all the apps, just quickly skimmed them.
6€ is a reasonable price to pay in that case 🙌
Does Vinegar and Baking Soda still work well? I noticed the apps haven’t been updated for almost a year.
Thanks for the response! Yeah, I am aware it is an extension for the website through safari, I appreciate you pointing that out though. I’ve been eyeing those two forever, I’ll pick them up.