I'm making fun of you if that wasn't clear. No, the next generation are not weak, incapable or any other sort of negative generalization that you might think they are. They are people as diverse any other generation and the whole point of this post is to espouse that generational stereotypes only serve to hurt us and divide us from accomplishing better things for humanity.
You must be a real treat to be around. I've never met anyone in Gen Z who exhibits any of that behaviour. Maybe you're just exaggerating a bit based on very few people, in the off chance that you might have some evidence to support this please share it
I so happen to be of that generation and we're exposed to many of my generation through school and university. I assure you the type you mention who need a screen to sleep and worship celebrities represent a very small proportion. If you think everyone from Gen Z is like that I would accuse you of never leaving Instagram or YouTube
Why is it on the kids to fix the shitty situation other generations have created?
Hey Google what's the definition of nihilism?
I'm making fun of you if that wasn't clear. No, the next generation are not weak, incapable or any other sort of negative generalization that you might think they are. They are people as diverse any other generation and the whole point of this post is to espouse that generational stereotypes only serve to hurt us and divide us from accomplishing better things for humanity.
You must be a real treat to be around. I've never met anyone in Gen Z who exhibits any of that behaviour. Maybe you're just exaggerating a bit based on very few people, in the off chance that you might have some evidence to support this please share it
I so happen to be of that generation and we're exposed to many of my generation through school and university. I assure you the type you mention who need a screen to sleep and worship celebrities represent a very small proportion. If you think everyone from Gen Z is like that I would accuse you of never leaving Instagram or YouTube