Opinions of Godot as a game engine?
A community about game development.
More rules might follow if they become necessary; general rule is don't be a pain in the butt. Have fun! ♥
I recently made the move to Godot 4 from Unity, due to the latter slowing down and becoming just too frustrating to use. Overall I like it a lot, you’ll probably get on well with GDScript and the engine is very snappy and fast which is a huge advantage over some competitors. Some negatives though in no particular order:
Edit: I just finished writing this post and went on Mastodon, immediately saw a discussion about how Godot's support for browser-based games is apparently not good. So idk what you're planning but that could potentially be an issue.
I’m not saying don’t use it, of course. Every engine has its pros and cons. Overall it was quick enough to get up and running that tbh you might as well just give it a whirl and see what you think! Good luck with your game :)
Actually, if you select "Remote" in the hierarchy, you can view the scene while its running. Kinda clunky workflow though
Yeah you can see the hierarchy change, but you can't actually watch the scene play out like you can in Unity. It's not a dealbreaker but it's by a wide wide margin the thing I miss most.
Ohhhhhh, I see what you mean now, my b. Yeah it would be a real nice add.