Don't worry, it's unsalted
A community for people who like birds, birdwatching and birding in general!
Feel free to share your photos and other birding-related content here. If a photo you post isn't yours, please credit the original creator! Additionally, it would be appreciated if the location of the sighting and a date were given when a photo or question is posted. You do not have to give the precise location, something like "Northern Idaho, June 2023" or even "North-Western US, June 2023" suffices.
As with almost every sentient life form on Earth, and especially birds and mammals: Food. With mammals and some reptiles, petting can also help.
This will earn the friendship of almost any animal on Earth. Or make you their next meal - apex predators are kinda tricky and usually need to be raised from young (then they'll be cuddly too).