How old are you?
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In my day, the keyboard was the computer!
Raspberry pi 400 gang?
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3
128KB RAM, Z80 CPU, floppy disk drive.
Amstrad CPC-464 with integrated tape deck AND colour monitor.
Get on my level, baby!
I had a Coleco Adam so I might be close. I had to look up the Amstrad and that does look sweet. I upgraded to a C128 that did have a z80!!
Ok damn I feel old now.
Time to get a Raspberry Pi 400 to get that feeling back!
Our first mobile PC was a Compaq Luggable.
Thing had two 5 1/4" floppy drives, a 4 Mhz processor, an 8" monochrome green monitor, and weighed 30 pounds. The keyboard was the lid that covered the screen and the drives.
We eventually upgraded it to have a 10 meg hard drive instead of one of the floppies.