Finally found a fix how to stop firefox downloading each PDF to your local drive
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Even with
set tofalse
(default), Firefox already opens PDFs instead of downloading them, thanks to this setting:For what use cases is that needed?
That option did not work for me
For me it still downloads and then opens it in firefox. In the description it clearly says: Choose how Firefox handles the files you download from the web (...). And I don't want it to download the file to my disk in the first place just store it in chache like a regular website.
it doesn't download them for me, unless I explicitly save the PDF that opens
like this example.
(akhtually it'll always download in order to open it, I just mean it doesn't create a PDF in the downloads directory)
Which firefox version are you on? I'm on 122.0b1 (flatpak beta) and changing these settings just defines what happens after I download the file. Also my download folder is set to ~/Downloads
121.0 stable, .deb from Firefox's ppa
Wait do you download the files to you /tmp dir? Or do you store the files in the browser cache?
my downloads dir is
but Firefox doesn't create a file there, so it must use a temp location for the PDF that opens.