[-]Xea5 points2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)
hihi, kind of ironic :,) , which is why I decided to switch away from them, but back then I couldn’t resist the tempation of using such a mail, also… isn’t the cock.li mascot just adorable!!! <333 >w<
hihi, kind of ironic :,) , which is why I decided to switch away from them, but back then I couldn’t resist the tempation of using such a mail, also… isn’t the cock.li mascot just adorable!!! <333 >w<
Well I mean cock.li originated from 4 chan, had some huge controversies with bomb threads but thats not on the admin.
While 4 chan now is an alt right shithole, it used to be actually really trans positive. So no ironic here.
I mean anomymous (who are pretty liberal from what I can tell without being deeply involved. I only lerk in their ircs) originated on 4 chan.
From what I can tell (but I might be wrong) the reddit userbase is the legacy of imageboards.
So there is no shame in using cock.li because 4 chan is not all bad. Only the people on it now are.