this post was submitted on 15 Nov 2023
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Looking through these comments, I wonder if Yuru Camp is any good? /s
I went to download it, but it doesn’t seem to be available on my trackers. Gonna have to acquire some actual anime trackers. IPT, AR, and TL have rarely let me down, but alas, time to expand my trackers once more. Recently added MAM for books, that’s been great.
Any suggestions for anime trackers?
Puts on moderator hat
Piracy discussions should be redirected toward a more appropriate community. The most active of which is ! Feel free to pm me for more info. However, beyond this point in the thread, aside from what I say below, I will remove any more detailed discussions of piracy.
Takes off moderator hat
That being said, for shows I can't access legally due to regional restrictions, I usually have better luck on usenet, but I pay for access, so it isn't as popular an option as free streaming sites or torrent trackers.