Not about wimpiness or grimacing at the picture. More about gradually recognizing that you're just eating pieces of animal flesh. For me, that went hand in hand with studying biology & med textbooks, about a decade ago. Not irrational, I'm not going "it's icky", it's me knowing what the chemical composition is, where it came from, what it is, and going, "yeah this is fucking nasty".
Eating rotisserie chicken is what made me fully realize we were just chowing down on animal carcass. It's fucking delicious, and I eat rotisserie chicken all the time.
Lol don't worry, I get it. I used to hate it as a kid because the bones grossed me out but when I matured and realized it's natural for animals to eat other animals, it became much more appetizing to me. I guess the advantage of being on omnivore is you can choose to abstain from that, but I like eating animals.
Big ol eye roll.
Not about wimpiness or grimacing at the picture. More about gradually recognizing that you're just eating pieces of animal flesh. For me, that went hand in hand with studying biology & med textbooks, about a decade ago. Not irrational, I'm not going "it's icky", it's me knowing what the chemical composition is, where it came from, what it is, and going, "yeah this is fucking nasty".
Eating rotisserie chicken is what made me fully realize we were just chowing down on animal carcass. It's fucking delicious, and I eat rotisserie chicken all the time.
Yeah, I've eaten it, there's an aspect to it you may not have dialed into yet. Hard to describe.
Dennis Leary described it perfectly. "Meat tastes like murder, and murder tastes pretty goddamn good."
Lol don't worry, I get it. I used to hate it as a kid because the bones grossed me out but when I matured and realized it's natural for animals to eat other animals, it became much more appetizing to me. I guess the advantage of being on omnivore is you can choose to abstain from that, but I like eating animals.