Stop doing Computer Science
Welcome to Programmer Humor!
This is a place where you can post jokes, memes, humor, etc. related to programming!
For sharing awful code theres also Programming Horror.
This could be so much longer.
Killing children, class systems, so many programming language names, the ridiculous ways equality and order-of-operations are done sometimes. Plenty of recursion jokes to be made. Big O notation. Any other ideas?
Big Orgasm notation
A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors.
Masters and slaves
Deploying code (that's what you do with soldiers!!!1)
Using Git to rewrite history.
Atomic values (like the bomb!)
These people are madmen.
One of the slave node's child process failed, so the master node sent a signal to terminate the child and restart the slave
There's pretty solid reason my research group is pushing to use "head node and executor nodes" nomenclature rather than the old-school "master node and slave nodes" nomenclature, haha
The only reason I enjoy C++ is because I can cast destroy on children and it's parents if they're present in the world
Floating point operations with decimals not always adding up
They always must add up - if they added down then they wouldn't be floating points now would they!