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I have never suggested that they be the ones doing the driving, and no, you're not just going to wheel them in a wheel chair through snow storm or freezing rain. On top of the potential physical impossibility of pushing a wheel chair through snow, they might literally die on their way to their doctor's appointment.
Again, how are you getting through a snow storm? Or a rain storm? Is your load of thousands of dollars worth of power tools going to be fine sitting in a bike trailer in extreme weather?
Oh wow, congratulations, now you've arrived at the fact that we do needs roads and infrastructure for cars!
Bruh, tell me where I said that.
No you don't, you live a life not owning a car, but you still ultimately need them and some infrastructure to support them when you use taxis/ubers, rent cars, and rely on thousands of workers and people who do use them.
Cities still need to be designed to be able to support cars, they also need to be designed to support pedestrians, cyclists, and to encourage as many people not to use cars as possible, but at a fundamental level cars are and will forever be a necessary part of our last mile transportation infrastructure. Pretending otherwise just makes anti car people look ridiculous and not get taken seriously.
If they are so frail that they won't survive a trip to the nearest bus stop they should take an ambulance to the hospital for hospice care.
If the weather is that inclement, chances are that their oh-so-important hockey practice will be canceled that day. Or they can learn a little bit of gumption, if appropriate.
You didn't. I was presenting a common example of today's car culture.
Did I say the opposite? But today's car infrastructure is far more extensive than it needs to be. People don't need a car to commute, they choose a car for their convenience at the cost of everybody else's.
I live in a car-infested neighborhood where ironically most people don't have a car -- the constant traffic is largely produced by the suburbanites that come here, ironically to save themselves from the traffic that the suburbanites are causing. And I'm furious that we suffer their convenience day and night, when we shouldn't have to.
Our streets should serve the people living in them, rather than being designed to maximize the speed and convenience of the people driving through.
This is abelist nonsense. You will at some point in your life be in that state, as will your parents, significant others and friends.
Lmao, no hockey practices don't get cancelled because of snow, and no it's not possible to bike through the snow with equipment, especially if they're your kids.
And learn to read the fucking context, this is one specific example amongst countless other examples in millions of people's lives.
You were making wild assumptions about me to ride your prefluffed hate boner.
The original person who I was replying to that was the basis for this whole comment chain did, yes:
I don't disagree with any of what you wrote in the last section, I'm pushing back against the car free enthusiasts who make us all look stupid when they make claims like we don't need any cars.
Personal insults do are not conducive to civil conversation. Perhaps you would feel better after going out for a walk or a bike ride. Have a great day!