Collection so far. At least until my package gets here
Portable illumination
I’m such a tinkerer that not having all that control stresses me out. If the TS12 had a less ugly LED and Anduril I would carry it everyday. It’s so much fun.
Honestly I haven’t carried the brass one much. It’s really nice I just like the copper one much more. For the price it’s an absolute steal though. Plus you can get it in 3k.
My white D2 is a 519a 5700k/2700k dedome combo with floody optics. And the green one is 3500k and green with spot optics. If I had to get 1 more honestly I’d probably get 519a/w1. I think flood/spot is the most practical.
Late reply but now I realize they should have just made a 14500 version of the ts11, even without aux sft40 or W1 would have been neat with this host.
I placed an order today for a W1, W2, and 519a 57k and am gonna try and swap one of them in. Hopefully won’t have to do too much to fit them in.