How furry is your lifestyle?
Yiffit chat! Talk about anything you want here.
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Community Icon (CC-BY-NC-SA) Tom Fischbach
I don't have a fursuit or go to cons. I do have multiple plushes of furry characters, art pieces, paintings, and pins on display all around my room. I have a collar and "pup mask" (its actually a unicorn) and other bdsm gear thats furry coded. I'm getting into screen printing and will probably put my ocs on all of my jeans, and if I can get some more comms I wanna get a tattoo of my sona
Soooooo pretty furry I guess akujfhdksu
Fuck yeah. I need to muster up the courage to be like you.
Genuinely don't mean this as a promo but I do studio art paintings etc, if you wanna have furry stuff up but keep it low-key/ "normie passing" I might be able to give ideas :o? I'm sure you'll figure it out either way!
Link? Dm me