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You're falling into the trap of people who interpret any criticism as "outrage," as if those of us who correctly identify harmful bigotry are somehow unhinged and in a constant state of outrage. The use of such terminology ("outrage, virtue signaling, echo chamber" et al) is used to deflect attention from the real issue and make it seem like those of us who are (again, accurately) pointing out that these blatantly bigoted beliefs are inexcusable are the real problem -- "both sides bad." Whether this is intentional on your part or not, I would urge you to do better.
If you really believe what you're saying, then yes, you are. I think deep down inside you know that Alice Cooper is a raging piece of shit. Like I said, it fits right in with his entire bigoted worldview.
It's a fallacy to think that just because I'm wasting time on Lemmy on a Sunday morning that I'm not doing anything meaningful. I literally work for a charitable non-profit that does praxis, and I often meet with local officials to try to make my community a better place.
We are not the people you see in our comments. Personally, I find it cathartic to dunk on bigots, so I will continue to do so, but thanks for the advice?
Of course it stems from ignorance! Most bigotry does. This may seem like an extreme example, but most people who supported Hitler genuinely believed he was doing good.
This does not in any way excuse the behavior. I especially resent the implication that people who are older somehow get a pass for this, since I myself am Gen X and raised in a conservative community. Alice Cooper has access to all the information he needs to overcome his horrid worldview, but he chooses not to. He does not get a pass.
Moreover, it's not fair to task marginalized groups with somehow convincing our oppressors not to be bigots. I'm not sure why you even think I'm in a position to persuade him to change, but if you want to try, then I fully support you.
Just don't project this task onto me or anyone else, please and thank you
Careful with how tightly you clutch those pearls, you might break them