When should I commit on projects?
A space for trans people who code
Matrix Space:
For my team, we create branches off of dev to start working on a specific feature. It’s really up to the dev how often they commit to that branch but I recommend often to prevent losing any work. Once the feature is done we merge the branch to dev and roll all of the commits into one so looking at the history on dev, each commit represents 1 feature.
for me at this moment I don't think branches are super relevant to me at the moment since the project does not yet function. I feel like it will function by next commit. also one question I have about dev branches is that how is it that I can compile and use the dev branch on some projects,, like how do they work on code that is not yet functional and would break compiling the software until it is completed.
Oh yeah so our project is well established so different situation.
The feature branches are small complete pieces and they shouldn’t be breaking dev.
If this is a personal project, just commit whenever you want. At least when you’re finished working so you don’t lose your work.