Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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Rule #7: No duplicates
Just because the competition fucking sucks ass doesn't mean the best one has a monopoly. 🤦♂️ There is still competition... It's just weak as shit.
Maybe if the competition stepped up and offered similar services and functions, they wouldn't need to pull bullshit like Epic is with exclusivity deals, and actually take some market share.
GOG Galaxy is a decent one. It actually offers a lot of what makes Steam so strong. It's still not as good, but they also deal with a certain niche area of gaming, making even their store more relevant than EGS, Origin, etc.
GOG is wonderful! You don't even need to use a launcher if you don't want to, DRM free is my jam.
That said, I wish they would improve their launcher, especially when it comes to updating games: I shouldn't need hundreds of gigs of free space to patch a big game.
Pretty much all their free games are on the list.
You don't need the launcher to play them?
There is also a lot of games on steam that you can launch without steam. It seems developers have finaly realized there is nonpoint fighting piracy for their drm to be broken in a day or two.
Glad to hear it, DRM sucks.