Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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"Monopoly", and yet when a game is on Steam I can buy it wherever I want. What stores can I buy Epic exclusives exactly?
They have key resellers now, but hey, you guys don't care if they improve their shit, your opinion was made even before they released
Do you work for Epic or something? I've never seen someone defending such a shoddy and unneeded product so vehemently.
You guys work for valve of something? I point out falsehood and hypocrisy, you guys attack a product based on bullshit, who's more likely to work for one of the two exactly?
But I remember you guys...
Back in 2003 you guys were pissed at Valve for releasing Steam and you said it would kill PC gaming. I was there to see people you doing exactly that. Valve made Steam necessary to play Half-Life 2, remember that? Oh man you guys were mad...
But now? Steam is the best thing ever! Can't have enough can you? If they had a monopoly that would be even better! Heck, they had one for years and you didn't mind the fact that games were de facto exclusives for a long ass time! Valve just didn't have to sign a contract to confirm it!
I was actually on board with Steam since the inception. I grew up in the sticks; being able to buy my games online and download them super easily was fucking dope since I could not easily find many in stores.
It's not so dope now. If that's the only thing you have to offer: Why the fuck would I use it? Because you gnab shit and hold it hostage specifically so I will use you inferior platform?
Doesn't matter if they have key resellers now, they were bitching and complaining about the Steam monopoly before they did so that image will hold true for all of time, forever. And I'm going to hate that stupid company for any reason I want, if that makes you mad then that's a you problem for being a free bootlicker to a faceless multibillion dollar corpo who doesn't give a fuck who you are.
I mean... You're accusing me of being something you also are for another company, can't believe you don't realize that...
Are you not reading your own comments? They all boil down to "WHY DON'T YOU GUYS LIKE EPIC?? PLEASE LIKE EPIC, PLEASE!". You come off as a serious fanboy that gets high off Tim Sweeney's farts, it's embarrassing. Even if Epic was paying you this isn't the kind of PR they'd appreciate my dude.