There was some pseudoscience going around a while back about people can be left brain or right brain thinkers. Supposedly it came down to your dominant hand - meaning lefties are artistic and righies are logical. It's been thoroughly debunked but people still say it to me fairly often.
Wow. I've heard about the left and right brains as such but never seen people translate that to an artistic personality... I guess it might be a cultural thing. If it makes you feel any better, I can confirm you it's not a universal myth.
I wonder if in the societies where the myth is popularized if left-handed people tend to be more creative because they are told that by nature they are more creative?
To put it another way, are left-handed people more creative because of their "right brain dominance" or because they are nurtured in a culture that expects them to be more creative?
There was some pseudoscience going around a while back about people can be left brain or right brain thinkers. Supposedly it came down to your dominant hand - meaning lefties are artistic and righies are logical. It's been thoroughly debunked but people still say it to me fairly often.
Wow. I've heard about the left and right brains as such but never seen people translate that to an artistic personality... I guess it might be a cultural thing. If it makes you feel any better, I can confirm you it's not a universal myth.
I hear it often, too, even though I work in a science-related field.
I wonder if in the societies where the myth is popularized if left-handed people tend to be more creative because they are told that by nature they are more creative?
To put it another way, are left-handed people more creative because of their "right brain dominance" or because they are nurtured in a culture that expects them to be more creative?