this post was submitted on 03 Aug 2023
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They won’t show it before the holiday season. It would cause some potential Switch buyers to just wait for the new one.
This is the way
Almost 7 years later you would think everyone who wants one, already got one.
Sales are already declining. And if Switch 2 has full backward compatibly it wouldn't at least hurt sales of games since those games will run the same but hopefully better on the new hardware.
Without backward compatibly some people might skip games in order to save it for the new hardware
Last time I checked there are new human getting born every year so
Impossible! The world would be completely overrun by now if that were true!
My friend bought a new switch last week. Normal people don't care or are watching or waiting for when a new console comes out.
Yeah my buddy just got one last month and immediately bought both Zelda games for it.
He just wanted to play them finally. If he's going to wait this long to do that he could care less about a potential new system that'll have less games.
They sold more than 10 million units last year. I assume they’ll end up selling millions this year too.
A lot of the owners already got their system 4+ years. Likely more. People are going to look into more powerful hardware some day. Nintendo should be ahead of that and let them be the one with the more powerful hardware.
That wasn’t your original point though. Fact is that millions of people who might want a Switch don’t have one.
@Rynelan Nintendo has literally never been the one to out-power the competition with their hardware.
Not out-powering I know but if they have something better than now then it's easier to choose for Nintendo again instead of a Steam Deck or something similar