this post was submitted on 03 Aug 2023
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The Switch 2 is like The Boy who Cried Wolf for me, big rumors swirl up every year. It might be legit this time, maybe the sources are better, but I just can't get invested until a Nintendo Direct.
I'm inclined to agree with you, but at the same time we know it must happen eventually.
At this point I imagine Nintendo is feeling pressure to make their next console as they've had to contend with Android projects spinning up to emulate the console's already weak hardware. Why own a switch when you can take a phone, slap on a pair of controllers and call it day?
@nolannice @TheTechNerd Yeah, it feels like we’ve been hearing rumors and “leaks” about a Switch 2/Switch Pro every other week since 2018. I’ll start caring once there’s something official from Nintendo about it.
Before it was rumors, now we know they've send out dev kits, huge difference. They officially said no to a new console before end of 2023, which leaves us with early 2024, again it's consistent with what we know of the dev/release cycle. Of course every wannabe leaker can say there's an upcoming Switch2, because of course there will be.