You snap a pic, go home, edit it, and it turns out great! But what do you do next? How do you share it? Do you upload it somewhere?

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[-] zlatko@programming.dev 1 points 1 year ago

I sometimes upload photos to my Pixelfed account. I also participate in the 52frames.com weekly challenge, so I frequently post there as well.

But recently I also started posting to my own dedicated photo site. It's ... more meaningful to me, and I can share the posts with some community (52frames mentioned above has an active Discord server, also "Focal Point with C. London" as well).

A note on my own site: I'm a techie and tend to obsess about loading times and static site generators and all that - so I end up with a typical software developer's blog - blogging about how to setup the blog itself. So for this thing I said, "I don't care about performance, SEO, anything. I'll just post photos".

So if you plan to do something like that, I suggest just going for it. Just pick a platform and start posting. After a time, you'll figure out what you want to do, in which direction to move, so can adjust later. But just getting started should be easy, and it motivates you a lot.

this post was submitted on 24 Jul 2023
18 points (100.0% liked)


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