Also the group was originally set up to discuss werewolves in horror films, but several in the group began talking about these feelings we were having and so the group ended up as a therian chat group instead.
Community dedicated to the discussion of therianthropy
Minors DNI, even if content is SFW
Do not post sexually explicit content in this community please. It does, however, support discussion around mature topics which should be flagged as NSFW.
Alt.Horror.Werewolves it was a part of Usenet in the 90s, also an IRC channel.
In the beginning we called ourselves Weres, but over time it became Therian. I have an idea who coined the word, though I'm not certain.
Also the group was originally set up to discuss werewolves in horror films, but several in the group began talking about these feelings we were having and so the group ended up as a therian chat group instead.