Seriously guys! It’s drinkable in all EU countries!
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As a EU citizen I always buy my water bottled instead of from the tap, not only does it taste better.. but my family used to have a water distiller when I was growing up and we sometimes put tap water inside of it and after the distilling process the residue left was disgusting and gooey, even with some rust laced in (this was in the Côte d'Azur for context) in comparison most good quality bottled water just left a trace mineral residue. Safe to say I'd rather drink mineral residue over rust!
You don't want to know how much plastic you drank. Stop that, buy a filter for your tap. Your brand is probably better than Nestle but not much. https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/truth-about-nanoplastics-bottled-water
Yo, that water come in plastic bottles? You know the plastic leaches forever chemicals into the water. Also, you've created a few tonnes of plastic waste by drinking water this way. So well done you.
Fun fact: iron oxide is food safe. It's being used to make glittery drinks.
Rust is completely fine.